Colors’ Meaning in Mandala:
White – purity, spirituality, light, moonlight, unity at times, innocence, new life, beginnings, creativity, clarity, heightened sensitivity to spiritual enlightenment, also associated with the 7th chakra, crown chakra which is considered the wisdom chakra.
Red – associated with life, used in ancient civilizations in rituals, celebrations, healing and initiations. Still today it is used as a color in weddings in many cultures. It can mean a raw energy, fire of emotion, protection, transformation, love and fertility. The color of the 1st chakra, the root chakra, grounding.
Blue – calmness, serenity, peace, sky above and sea below. Used as a color in many religious artwork. Associated with cleansing, nourishing, cooling, nurturing and mothering, awakening of intuition, attainment of wisdom. Associated with the 5th chakra, throat chakra, which is about finding and expressing your voice.
Yellow – color of sunlight, warmth, courage, symbolizing Jesus in Christianity, wisdom, seeing clearly, hope of greater happiness, energy, riches and wealth. Associated with the 3rd chakra, solar plexus, storehouse of energy.
Green – associated with nature, growth, rebirth, spring, potential, knowing your heart, color of water sprites, wood nymphs, and fairies, beauty, faith, harmony, helping professions, healing, renewal. Associated with the 4th chakra, heart chakra, expressing love in action, opening heart and soul to love and harmony.
Orange – associated with fall, harvest, autumn leaves, warmth, balanced energy (not as raw and primal as red), associated with Buddhist monks or living a life of austerity, power, abundance, male energy typically. Associated with the 2nd chakra, meaning creative center, personal power and manifestation.
Purple – wisdom, enlightenment, regal color, seeing yourself as the True Self, royalty, personal dedication to sacredness or spirituality, grapes, vivid imagination, “purple passion”, related to feelings. Can be associated with the 6th chakra, the mind’s eye, seeing The Light or Divinity in all things, a balanced mind, dreams and visions.
Turquoise – associated with Native American culture appearing as a color when healing is necessary, rebuilding, also a mothering energy, recovering from loss, self-reliance, independence, recharging our spirit, emotional balance and emotional healing.
Pink – the blending of white and red, the merging of the power of red energy with the softening of white of enlightenment, wisdom. Also the color of compassion, love, beauty, kindness, healing color for grief and sadness. The amount of red in relation to white determines the amount of push to achieve potential vs. softer approach, can be used to bring out Yin (feminine) energy, youthfulness.
Brown – associated with stability, grounding, order, practicality, organic, a call to be outdoors and connect with the Earth, the woods, trees, nature, evokes a connection to Native American animal totems.
Black -associated as a grounding color, a color of creating boundaries and maintaining power and energy, an absorbing color- often seen as a color to absorb and transform anything that does not serve you anymore.
What does my Mandala Art or Intuitive Art Mean?
We are providing a basic list of meanings associated with colors that you might find in your mandalas or other art. As with all symbols and creative pieces, no one else can interpret it exactly for you. So, always come into yourself first, and ask your Inner Voice, your Intuition what it might mean to you.